Enterprise Aaftersales Service Platform

After-sales services often require a certain processing period and the participation from customers, information receivers, service workers in multiple roles, managers, etc. After-sales services also involve many processing links, such as repair requests from customers, information receiving and task assignments by receptionists, standardized task processing by maintainers who may encounter the situations like service switch and repeated maintenance, and callbacks made by receptionists after maintenance. All these cause enterprise management to reflect on how to shorten the service distance and track the real-time information on service process.

Neusoft Enterprise After-Sales Platform provides one-stop solutions to these problems and creates ubiquitous customer contact channels, such as the traditional access like phone calls and SMS, as well as the emerging Internet terminals like WeChat and App. Through these channels, customers can freely apply for services and track the order and service information, service information no longer delays, and service management becomes real-time and effective. Thus, customers become more satisfied with and more loyal to the service providers. Neusoft Enterprise After-Sales Platform brings direct and indirect benefits to enterprises in all aspects including the collection, sorting, filtering, and analysis of data. After-sales service systems also become a must for enterprises to improve corporate website images and strengthen the interaction with visitors.

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